Saturday, May 1, 2010

On the move

I've been moving work around here lately. I needed to get one of the pieces on display at Q's Cafe to send to Montana and had sold two more that had originally been in the grouping, so I decided to take down everything that had been hanging there for four months and put up new work.
I'm the featured artist in the One12 Gift Shop of the Galesburg Civic Art Center for May, so we hung ten new works on the wall there. I'll be in the gift shop during the gallery opening on May 7th.
And, drumroll please, we wrapped up 13 of my pieces and sent them off to an art gallery in Montana this week! They're to arrive at Visions West Galleries in Livingston on Wednesday. Once they get all of my work up on their website, I'll put the link on my blog. I'm so excited to have gallery representation!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some more April work

My friend Bob sent me a photo he took of snow showers somewhere between Butte and Bozeman when he was there on business a few weeks ago. I loved how dramatic and BIG the sky was in the shot with a small farm under the snow clouds, so I made a large (24x18) collage emphasizing that sky.

I made another bird piece to send with the other dozen collages to my new art gallery in Montana. In the grass I've placed pieces of a topo map of the terrain between Livingston and Yellowstone.

I'm going to submit a few pieces to a show called "Constructed Territory" that is soliciting work using maps, cartography or topographical explorations. I took this photo of the Hoodoos in Yellowstone and have covered many of the rocks with Yellowstone topo map fragments.