Saturday, January 11, 2014

Winter of Art

Who knew winter could be a busy time for art?
- I have two pieces in a "Snow Show" downtown Galesburg at The Beanhive.
- I'm in a group show with two other women at the Quad City International Airport Gallery Jan-Feb (photos to come).
- I will be in a show of 8 local women artists at our community college (Jan-March).

Below are the six 8"x8" pieces I made for that "Women's Work" show. I did a "mash up" of leftover strips from landscape collages and engravings from 1890's issues of "The Graphic" - a London weekly magazine. I used women's names from my family for the title and had fun with long titles, too.

From the top, the titles are:
"Marie is unaware that Edgar has been forked by Beechums"
"Ursula has had it with this little game" (not a family name)
"Elizabeth is tempted to discourage Nigel's little adventure"
"Alma just can't get enough Salt Regal"
"Irene has never been one to be cautious"
"Mildred's children behave so much better after they've had their cocoa"