Tuesday, August 13, 2019


This serene piece is 12"H x 9"W x 1"Deep and is titled "Open to Joy." The original photo was taken by my friend Ellen McDowell when she was kayaking. I ran filters on the photo, printed out 3 versions to cut into strips and added in the Japanese characters for water lily in the top right of the sky. Some handmade papers add to the texture of the lily and shredded currency from the Federal Reserve float among the lily pads.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Summer Time, Beach Time

I wanted to make another composition with an inviting walk down to the beach. I took the original photo for this on the upper shore of Lake Michigan. At first I thought I'd do a horizontal landscape, but then felt the big wood tops of the walkway were a bit distracting. I cropped the image into a square and made this 12"x12"x1" collage (middle photo) using three filtered versions of the scene with some Michigan road maps added into the clouds and handmade green paper in the grassy areas.