After seeing the first two pieces in this series, friends asked how I kept the image together after the print went through the shredder... the answer is, I didn't! I took photos as I worked on the third one to show the process I've worked out. I started with a 12x12 cradled panel for this collage. I cropped a photo to that size and ran out three sets of prints: one without filtration, one with a "dry brush" Photoshop filter, and one with a "poster edges" filter (If you click on the image to enlarge it, you can see the different look each has.) I then printed the images in two sections on my color laser printer (the white lines show how I divided the 12" wide images for printing on my 8.5"x14" paper).
I put all of the top sections through the shredder and placed those in a pile on my drawing board and then shredded the three bottom sections and put those in another pile. I printed out a small photo of the scene to help me as I sorted and tried to assemble the image out of the quarter-inch wide strips.
As I adhered strips, I purposely did not line up the images exactly and would add sections straddling strips to further abstract the image. I varied the lengths of the strips as well.
I let the piece dry overnight and, in looking at it the next morning, decided to add a few more pieces to the bottom left to add a bit more interference.