Sunday, February 1, 2009

Art Floozy

I meet with a group of four other women every 4-6 weeks, and we call ourselves the Art Floozies. There are three potters, a glass blower, and me. We put ideas on scraps of paper in a clay pot, then we draw out an idea each meeting for the topic for next time. We've made art with the concept of "spiraling"... we've brought misc. things to put in the center of the table to pick from and then made art with some of those items to bring to the next meeting ... we've made something that reveals an aspect of our personality. This month we brought boxes, TP tubes, pictures from magazines, buttons, jewelry, etc. in order to PLAY together and make powerful women totems. Unfortunately, two of our members couldn't make it Friday, but the three of us who did had a BLAST! Mine is the one on the left, Mary's is the middle one, and Linda's is on the right.

1 comment:

  1. Loving the new blog - can't wait to see more!! ~Tracy
