Thursday, November 7, 2013

Art Wall

Our friend in Montana had three pieces of my art on her dining room wall, but realized it wasn't "holding the wall" and asked if a 24" x 24" collage of mine was still available. We arranged for her to pick it up when in Illinois this October... and then I emailed her several panoramas I'd taken while visiting her in Montana this summer. She asked if I could make a 70" wide panorama to hang above the other four pieces of art! It certainly was the largest piece I've ever made, so I was very happy that she was able to drive both pieces home with her. She sent a photo today of the end of her dining room; my  5 pieces hang on the wall and my husband's metal mountains and Italian alabaster sculpture grace the cabinet below. Love it!

1 comment:

  1. Wow--your work looks gorgeous grouped like that on the wall, and what a great display with Rob's work too!
