Monday, December 28, 2020

Revisiting my trip to Utah during this time of no travel

We enjoyed hiking in the national parks in Utah a few years ago. Walking under the large arch formations in Arches National Park was stunning. In this piece, I've added in some handmade papers, vintage postage stamps and shredded U.S. currency. IT is 16"H x 12"W on a 1.5"-deep panel.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Turning toward the desert

A gallery in Scottsdale, AZ, plans to bring my work in once the pandemic calms down. I made this 16" x 20" piece with that gallery in mind. It uses a photo of an old car in a ghost town in Arizona, a photo of saguaro cactus and an old license plate. Filters were run on the composition of the three images, prints cut into strips and pieced together, and old postage stamp segments were added to the band of cactus at the bottoms.

Moments of Joy

Photographer, Ellen McDowell, and I have a show up through Dec 23rd at the Galesburg Civic Art Center. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the show is now by appointment only, but I'm so pleased friends and relatives are making time to go immerse themselves in a room full of beauty.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Show Time

My show opens today at the Galesburg Civic Art Center! I hope locals will venture out during this dang pandemic and escape the gloomy world for a bit. Here's the show information below and the last two pieces I made for the walls - local landmarks of the Walnut Grove barn and the Wolf Covered Bridge.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

More art for the Nov-Dec show

These three pieces all use photos by Ellen McDowell (my co-exhibitor in the upcoming show at the Galesburg Civic Art Center). All are created from three filtered versions of her original photo all cut into strips. There are additions in each of handmade papers, ledger paper or vintage stamps.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Really BIG Art!

A 12"x12" piece of my art was chosen to enlarge to 10' high by 17.5' wide and was installed in its frame today! It was fun to see my quarter-inch strips enlarged to 4" high and the postage stamps I'd embedded in the field really show up well. The Washington Street Gallery is located at 926 SW Washington in downtown Peoria, Illinois.

The installation really changes the street!

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Filling in gaps

I'm looking at the work I have for an upcoming show and noticing things like ... I only have one interior scene of a bouquet, so I should make another. (I asked a friend with a floral business in Argentina if I could use a photo she'd posted of ranunculus in a vase by a stack of books.) I need to make more art using my co-exhibitor in the art show's photos as the basis for the art... and I need to make more southwest pieces for an Arizona gallery. The work below reflects my disjointed approach to art right now!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 I've been working on art using photos of my friend Ellen McDowell's for our joint art show Nov-Jan at the Galesburg Civic Art Center. My gallery in Door County, WI, just asked me to send them 3 recent pieces that I was making for that show! They've sold 5 pieces of mine from their gallery and wanted more... so I'll be busy making new art with Ellen's photos for November!

The sunflower piece below is one of the pieces they chose and then I worked on the weekend to make the 10" x 20" mixed media piece of 4 chairs in front of a B&B in Door County that face the calm Green Bay.

Each of the pieces have a lot of vintage postage stamps embedded in them (including probably the only all yellow stamp the postal service ever printed!). I also added shredded US $1000 bills in the grass around the 4 chairs.

The third piece is a 20H x 10W collage also from one of Ellen's photos. After layering up strips cut from the 3 filtered versions of the photo, I added handmade papers, 1850s ledger paper and shredded money.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Sail Away With Me!

Just immerse yourself in this scene... hear the waves lap against the sides of the boat... float away from it all! This 12"H x 9"W mixed media piece is comprised of three filtered versions of my photo, cut by hand into quarter-inch strips of imagery which I adhered to a panel and sections of an 1854 blue-paper ledger added on the rippled water.

Friday, August 21, 2020


 The bee has just lifted off the blossom after doing his pollination work. I was originally drawn to work with this photo because of the bee and the bright blue sky behind him. After running a number of filters on the photo in Prism, I chose three to print out and cut into quarter-inch strips. I layered those up on the wood panel and then added in vintage postage stamps and paper with script from my great uncle's ledger.

I've put a circle around all the pieces of stamps and ledger paper in case you couldn't find them all:

Monday, August 17, 2020

Daisy Days of Summer

I seem to be on a flower kick! This scene of dewy daisies at sunrise got really interesting after running filters on the photo. I picked three versions to cut into quarter-inch strips and combined those with handmade green and yellow papers, text from a French book, and shredded U.S. currency.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Sunflowers & Process

After taking photos in two fields of sunflowers last week, I chose one to work with and ran 8 different filters on the photo. I picked 3 I thought played well together and started working on making a mixed media collage. These photos show the process  starting with the photo... cutting and adhering to the panel... the finished base layer... stamps I found to cut and insert in the big sunflower petals... the finished piece.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Studio Time

I've been getting more time in my studio during this hot summer weather and have finished two pieces in the last ten days. The first was a 14"Hx11"Wx1.5"Deep artwork of a purple clover field at sunset. I added handmade papers and vintage stamps that fit in with the colors of the field. One of the stamps was of Edgar Allan Poe... so I decided to add in a flying raven at the last minute as a nod to Poe. The piece is entitled "Nevermore".

The second piece is a 16"x16"x2" commission; the original photo was provided by the buyer of her property in North Carolina. After layering up the strips of three altered photos I'd cut by hand, I added in handmade paper, vintage stamps and paper from a Virginia paper mill's 1864 ledger.